Our Opening Hours
We are open every day from 9am to 4pm. Breakfast is served daily from 9am to 12 noon / Lunch is served Mon – Friday from Noon to 2.30pm / Weekend Brunch is served Sat, Sun & Bank Holidays from Noon to 3pm / Coffee & Cake is served daily from 9am to 4pm
Party Size;
You can reserve on-line for up to 6 guests, for parties of 7 or more please email us at
hello@honeycombandco.com with your contact name, number, preferred date, time and party size (including any children or infants) and we will check and advise availability. Please note a deposit and minimum spend applies to all larger parties.
If no table are showing as available on-line for live on the day availability you can call us on 0131 228 4641 and the team will advise if any tables are available. Please do not email for on-day availability as our admin time is before and after we are open.
Reservation Time Slots;
We offer a range of timeslots to suit breakfast, lunch, weekend brunch and coffee & cake, these are detailed below, please check your confirmation e-mail as this will advise the times we have you reserved with us.
If you are looking to stay with us for a little longer, please make your reservation as normal and pop a request in the comments section, we will contact you by email to advise what is possible.
Breakfast tables are offered for 75 minutes or 60 minutes if no 75-minute slots are available.
Lunch tables are offered for 90 minutes or 75 or 60 minutes if no 90-minute slots are available.
Weekend Brunch tables are offered for 90 minutes or 75 or 60 minutes if no 90-minute slots are available.
Coffee & cake tables are offered for 60 minute slots only.
Time allocation;
Breakfast – tables available from 9am to 11.45am every day – default seating time slot – 75 mins then reducing down to 60 mins if 75 not available.
Lunch – tables available from 12noon to 2.30pm Monday to Friday – default seating time slot – 90 mins then reducing down to 75 mins if 90 mins not available.
Coffee & Cake – tables available from 9am to 3pm every day – default seating time slot – 60 mins (note the only slot available)
Weekend Brunch – Tables available at the weekends only – default seating time slot – 90 mins then reducing down to 75 mins and then 60 mins.